8 tools to turn your employees into experts

In order for your company to function in the best possible way, you must focus a large part of your efforts on your employees, and the best way to do this is through employee training. Employment training courses are sometimes viewed with reluctance, but they are some of the techniques that can improve staff effectiveness.
Although training courses are not the only way, workplace training goes far beyond this type of teaching. To turn your employees into experts, it is important to review your company's work processes and, above all, consider the tools we offer in this article.
1. Develop standard operating procedures
To ensure that the services performed by the staff are carried out as efficiently as possible, you must develop standardized procedures for each of them. This way, employees know what to do at all times, what the next step is and how to act in case of an incident.
For example, if your company is dedicated to cleaning in all types of spaces, you should create standardized procedures for different types of cleaning and also ensure that each worker has specific training.
A house cleaner, window cleaner, and machinery cleaner do not carry out the same cleaning process. Therefore, first consider what your workers do, in order to then focus on personalized procedures and training.
2. Create work forms and checklists
The importance of employee training also lies in improving the organization of the company. Working in a disorganized manner often leads to poorer results.
To avoid this, you can train your employees to fill out a task completion form at the end of each service. These forms are then signed by the client and detail everything that has been done during the time spent in that place.
Checklists are also useful, with employees marking what they have done with a check mark and leaving unchecked what they have not done. These are useful for tracking the time taken to complete tasks and keeping a record of what has been done and what has not for next time.
3. Write a manual for your employees
Employee training is not only about the processes they carry out while working; they should also work in accordance with the company's ways and values, and for that, an employee manual needs to be written.
Employee manuals should not be very long, and, above all, they should be easily understood. In this case, creating graphics, using images, or making lists can help. What should the employee manual include?
- Company history, summarized and clear.
- Company mission, vision, and values, in a few words for better memorization.
- The company's brand and message.
- Work schedule.
- Procedures for holidays, personal days, sick leave, etc.
- Bonuses, incentives, and more.
- Details of the payroll process (terminology and other details that may not be clear).
- Code of conduct and dress code.
- Expectations for employees.
4. Create a training schedule for your employees
Often, it is difficult to find time slots for employees to dedicate themselves fully to training. Therefore, it is important to plan training sessions so that both you and your employees can organize yourselves.
Employees should know when the training will take place and what they will learn during that training. If you are just starting with training for your employees, it is best to start with basics so they can learn the dynamics of these courses.
When creating this schedule, consider the topics to be covered. Otherwise, the training may not be as useful as expected or may come at the wrong time. For example, if your employees installed new machinery a week ago, the training should have been before installation, not after.
5. Practice dealing with your customers
Customer contact is essential for the success of your company. Services are often provided in homes, and customer trust in the technician is crucial for the task to be completed satisfactorily.
To ensure the best customer interaction, clear communication is needed, along with quality work. Therefore, teach your employees to be clear and pedagogical with customers. It is always appreciated when employees make an effort to make themselves understood by customers.
If you hire new employees, it can be beneficial for you to introduce them to customers yourself so they feel more comfortable and customers will trust that person the next time they interact.
Another way to ensure a fruitful relationship between customers and employees is to allow your employees to offer discounts and service enhancements to customers based on their judgment.
6. Present the workplace safety and health plan
Employee training is not only important for increasing your company's profits but also plays a fundamental role in the safety of your employees. Generally, companies must train employees on PPE, first aid, risk assessment, and equipment use.
To create your workplace safety and health training program, it is best to refer to official documents that address these risks. In Spain, this is possible thanks to the National Institute for Safety and Health at Work (INSST). For example, look for the maintenance manual "Maintenance: Exposure and Consequences."
7. Offers additional training courses
Not all employees perform the same tasks or perform them in the same locations. Therefore, although there may be a need for cross-sectional training, some members of your team may require training focused on a specific type of work.
For example, if your company has signed a contract with a new machinery supplier from a brand you have never used, gather the personnel responsible for installing the new brand so only those individuals receive training on the specific brand.
8. Evaluate the work of your staff on a regular basis
Evaluating training is essential in recognizing its effectiveness. It is important to monitor how your team works to see if they are implementing what they learned in training or not.
This can be similar to personnel tracking, a technique that can help you understand exactly what your workers are doing, how they are doing it, if they are being as efficient as possible, or if they are working safely, among other aspects.